Sanibel-Captiva Kiwanis Club Sponsors FISH 10K Race

FISH OF SANCAP announces The Sanibel-Captiva Kiwanis Club as a sponsor of the popular 10K Race 4 F.I.S.H., the only foot race on Sanibel. The 13th annual 10K is a virtual event this year, due to the COVID pandemic and out of extreme caution for the community.

“The Kiwanis Club and Foundation are delighted to partner with FISH in lending a helping hand to our island youth,” said Kiwanis. “Club members have been dedicated to providing all youth with an array of educational opportunities for many years.”

The Sanibel and Captiva Island’s Kiwanis Club is an energetic service club of about 100 members that serve the island’s children.  They use their budget to give local children educational opportunities through annual grants. The club administers scholarships from the little ones at Children’s Education Center of the Islands to post-secondary students.

“We are grateful for the generous support of Kiwanis Club members and its Foundation,” said 10K Race Committee Co-chair Nicole McHale. “They are good neighbors who care about our young neighbors and the future of our community. We are pleased to have Kiwanis as a sponsor of the 10K race.”
