What We Do

Food Pantry serves thousands of individuals and families each year; utilizing more than two hundred thousand pounds of food. View the list of Food Pantry needs and drop-off locations.
Helping Hands: Emergency financial assistance may be provided for rent, utilities, mobile mammography, medical or dental needs and more. An in-depth qualification interview is required. Learn More
Workshops: Budgeting & Finance Education, Crime Prevention, Health Series, Nutrition, Home Health Provider Networking, SAFE (Self Defense Awareness) and SHINE (Medicaid Updates).
Meals by FISH delivers a hot, nutritious meal per day, up to 5 days per week, with extras for the weekend.
Weekend Food Backpack is designed to provide food over the weekend to children in pre-kindergarten to 8th grade throughout the year
Employment assistance. FISH social workers help those searching for employment. There is also a weekly employment board list of Sanibel & Captiva jobs, as well as regional employment opportunities.

Adult Scholarships are available for job training, continuing education, professional development or certification.
The hurricane program provides guidance in planning for islanders during hurricane season, from June 1st to November 30th.
Youth Scholarships are available for after-school programs, extra-curricular activities and programs and summer programs.
Phone reassurance by one of our trained volunteers provides daily phone calls to ensure health and well being with investigative questions if needed.
Get a ride with one of our volunteers to an off-island non-emergency medical appointment or on-island essential errands.
Friendly Faces Luncheons are held the 2nd Tuesday of the month at George & Wendy’s Sanibel Seafood Grille, 2499 Periwinkle Way.
Case management. Meet with our social worker to discuss your challenges and map a plan toward your future success.
Medical equipment, such as wheelchairs, walkers, canes, etc., is available for loan to those who are visiting, working or living on the islands
Voluntary Income Tax Assistance (VITA) is offered during tax season with a trained United Way volunteer. Tax returns are completed and filed complimentary.
Immigration assistance for those interested in becoming naturalized citizens of the United States.
Holiday Food Baskets are filled with festive food and distributed to our neighbors in need for all major holidays. The Adopt-A-Family program provides gifts for families at holiday time.
Referrals. A FISH social worker meets with you to assess healthcare needs and provide information to practitioners or specialists. FISH also provides assistance to those hoping to locate additional at-home care.