SanCap Art League Painted Bags and Fish for FISH Auction at Bailey’s General Store Benefits FISH OF SANCAP

The SanCap Art League has once again created beautiful artwork, currently on display at Bailey’s General Store. As in year’s past, artists have been challenged to use a Bailey’s General Store recycle grocery bags as their canvas, and have created some wonderful artistic creations this year. 

Under the coordination of Jeannine Desmarais, SanCap Art League Chair of the painted bag promotion, the finished pieces of artwork will be on display until March 7th at Bailey’s General Store. Members of the community are encouraged to bid on their favorite entries and the proceeds from the silent auction will go to FISH OF SANCAP. Bids can be placed at the Bailey’s service counter.

A new addition this year was the ‘Fish for FISH’ auction, where League members painted wooden fish for auction, also benefiting FISH OF SANCAP, under the direction of Donna Filomio, Chair of the promotion. All 43 painted fish have been purchased raising much needed funds for the organization.  “I am happy with the outcome and have big expectations for this fundraiser next year and in years to come,” says Filomio. She adds, “The artists will begin their work on the next year’s fish in March.  I have aspirations for years to come.” 

In a fun accounting of how the promotion came to be, Filomio writes, “I took pity on the plain looking fish and knew they had the potential to bring joy and nourishment to our local population of humans! They were transformed into works of art by the hands of our League artists. Truly, they became breathtakingly beautiful and were on display at Bailey’s for about three weeks, where everyone admired them.  When the tide turned, they swam to FISH OF SANCAP for adoption by their new owners.  A new school of fish will arrive next year for their showing at Bailey’s General Store!”

Bailey’s hosts the painted bag and new Fish for FISH auction annually.  “It is our pleasure to host unique fundraisers on behalf of FISH. The SanCap Art League’s painted Fish for FISH delighted customers and helped us support one of our most necessary community nonprofits,” said Richard Johnson, Bailey’s. 

The Sanibel-Captiva Art League is a non-profit organization formed to promote public interest in and appreciation of the fine arts.  They strive to create art and grow through critiques and sharing of their art.  The Art League sponsors competitions and exhibitions and is engaged in promoting art education and supporting community art.

“We are so grateful to the SanCap Art League and their artists for using their talents to support our community each year; it’s a beautiful tribute by our neighbors for our neighbors,” says Maria Espinoza, Executive Director, FISH. “And of course, we’re grateful to Baileys—they are an incredible community partner to FISH and hosting these auctions is just another in the long list of reasons we feel that way.”
